Have you ever been told that you need to “blaze your own trail” in order to “find yourself” along the way?
I think that’s a bold enticing lie. Don’t believe it. (I was going to use words like “hogwash”, “Phooey” and “baloney” but decided not to be juvenile about it.**)
Your trail has already been blazed. Your self has already been found.You don’t need to figure out as much as you suspect you do because you have already been figured. Hope this doesn’t disappoint you— in fact, I hope this encourages you — Someone has already gone before you, has already cut the path, and has already revealed who you are.
You are not the first one to the party. The party creator has already been there… and for quite a while, waiting for you to show up.
So instead of hacking away at a new bramble and instead of looking for your self in the densest thicket, consider pursuing the Trail Blazer.
The irony is that if you want to find your self, you should stop focusing so much of your attention on looking for your self. If you want to know who you are, you should actually be earnestly looking for your Creator.
The “you” ... Read More »