Editor’s Note: The following is a letter written by Student Ministries Pastor and Unitive Contributor Ben Tertin. He recently took a group of his leaders and students to a retreat where he was caught off guard by some of the theological claims made at the conference. In this letter Ben encourages his students to always return to the Bible and to test “new” ideas with the truth of scripture in context.
Dear students and leaders at Imago Dei College Group: It looks like I led you into a sort of ambush at last weekend’s conference. Moving forward I want to think together with you about the speakers’ claims, what we might sum up as Trinitarian Universalism. Let’s replay their idea, which is nothing new, and then nail down a few basics for good interpretation that will keep us rockin’ toward the way everlasting.
But first, a mini story…. I once hurled a crazy nasty car tire, steel rim and all, off a bridge into the beautiful Fox River, in Burlington, Wisconsin. So awesome! It was perfectly horizontal when it bombed the glassy water surface, and the shotgun-like boom rattled many windows. Then some dude came running after me: “What the hell ... Read More »